Late Night Fly Tying: Goodbye Edition

the cleanest this table has been in a long time

The table is empty, with the exception of a few knick-knacks, but still the cleanest it has been since it became my designated fly tying desk.

Is this related to the big news I referenced in the previous post?


I’m cleaning up the fly tying bench because on Saturday morning we’ll be leaving middle Tennessee. I could bore you with the details of jobs, housing, etc., but I don’t really feel like it. Chances are if you’re reading this then you have my number so call me and I’ll explain further.

It’s a good thing.

I will miss the many waters of middle Tennessee (Harpeth, Percy Priest, Stones, Caney Fork). I’ve yet to really review my trip with Tommy, things have been so hectic over the last few weeks/months, but one thing we discussed at length was just how many unique fishing opportunities one has in/around Nashville. Warm water, cold water, tailwater, still water fishing is all within a 5-45 minute drive from where you are. I’m going to really miss the ability to pick from such a variety.

I’m going to really miss visiting the guys at Cumberland Transit on Saturday mornings. Those mornings really taught me so much about fly fishing, fly tying, and rod building that I’d never received from anyone from any other shop I’ve frequented before. They certainly seemed to have adopted me for the brief time I was here, and I’m incredibly thankful for that. Fortunately, I’ll have one more Saturday before I go.

Easily the most difficult thing about leaving will be leaving behind all the wonderful people we’ve met and become great friends with. That’ll be reason enough to come back often. Maybe, if I’m lucky, I’ll get to fish a little too.

P.S. The table may be clean, but the drawers are still full of crap.

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